Дата публикации: 14.07.2023

14 Things You Should Know Before Dating a Med Student


The two contributed to fulfilling that forecast fast. Within a month, Jacque had taken Sean home to meet her family, and Sean had basically moved into her apartment. They married right before graduation, and even hope to practice medicine together someday.

From study dates to Post-it notes left on pillows, medical students find involving a power differential, such as an attending dating an intern.

Apple Podcasts Google Podcasts. Share this podcast with your loved one who is going through this process with you. This will help both of you. Sarah Epstein is a Marriage and Family Therapist, and her husband is a second-year emergency medicine resident. They started dating when he was starting to study for the MCAT. Sarah is the author of Love in the Time of Medical School. We talk about how you can keep your relationships strong. In her book, she talks about keeping relationships going through the stressful time of being a premed, being a medical student, and being a physician.

Sarah explains that those who are significant others of premeds and medical schools have a lot of challenges, both that a couple faces together and that the significant other deals with on their own. To give you a little background, Sarah is finishing up her training as a Marriage and Family Therapist in Philadelphia. She started writing the book three years ago when her husband was a third-year medical student. He was on his surgery rotation, which felt like the pinnacle of all the challenges.

There was so much she wished she had known going into this process—in terms of what she can expect, what medical school looks like, and what kinds of relationship issues would come out each year.