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12 Online Dating Tips from Real Women Who Met Their Spouses on ‘The Apps’


A free online safety guide on Instagram, offering parents and carers advice and guidance on one of the world’s most popular social media platforms. A free online safety guide offering parents and carers advice and guidance on the dangers of phishing, the method of scamming users for their personal information online. A free online safety guide giving parents and carers advice and support around the use of webcams, focusing on how to spot the risks associated with them, at a time where they have become crucial in staying connected with others.

If you’re new to online dating or just want to up your online dating safety game – here are the 8 online dating safety tips everyone should know.

Navigating online dating can be a bit of a minefield, and with people joining sites in their thousands unchecked staying savvy is a must. As tempting as it may be to rush into the first date before really getting to know each other online, gathering some basic information about your date is important. Even if it is just a telephone number and an email address – make sure you have contact details about your date beyond their online user name.

If in any doubt about a person you meet online, stay safe and move on. As quick as it is to meet a person online it is to delete them. The same goes for being picked up in their car from your house. No one needs to know your home address within twenty-four hours of knowing you. Tell a friend or five about your date. Relationship and dating expert Katy Horwood is founder of the award-winning blog, www. You can find our Community Guidelines in full here. Want to discuss real-world problems, be involved in the most engaging discussions and hear from the journalists?

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