Сайт о горячих клавишах.
Горячие клавиши в Programmer Notepad 2Этот обалденный текстовый редактор для программистов порекомендовал мне один хороший человек, кажется он пишет в нем все! И есть Notepad++ и RJTextEd и даже NetBeans, но нет! он любит именно этот. Даже в то время как он не умеет передвигать строки по нескольку штук за один раз. Но честно у этого редактора отличное окно вывода, оно удобное в том плане что не ждет когда буфер вывода финишируется, а выводит OUTPUT по мере поступления туда данных, это очень удобно, например относительно SynWrite редактора, где вывод приходит когда все закончено. Я для себя сделал там обалденную цветовую схему и поэтому часто им пользуюсь.. Чем-то мне этот редактор напоминает недоделанный но классный редактор AbsolutePerl, в котором я создал сотню безполезных скриптов. Горячие клавиши ProgrammerNotepad 2: Ниже привожу полную инструкцию от авторов, новенькая ! Keyboard Shortcuts(Edit)This help describes some of the default keyboard shortcuts used by PN2. You can find and customise all shortcuts in the options dialog. The Escape Key The escape key can often be used to get you out of dialogs - it generally represents the pressing of the cancel button in these cases. The escape button can also be used to hide any output, find in files or find bar windows that are visible. So if you run a compile which shows you some output, and then you don't want to see the output window any more then just press escape until it goes away! Window Navigation To go to the next window, you can use either Ctrl-Tab or Ctrl-F6. Depending on your options, this will either navigate through documents in Windows' own recent window order, or will use a Visual-Studio window stack system. Note that you can hold down the Shift key with either of these combinations to traverse in the opposite direction. If you edit many files at the same time, their tabs may not fit the window width. In such a case, you can use the two little arrows (next to the close document button) to scroll through them. Output Window There are two types of output window (from 0.4 onwards). The global output window (dockable) can be toggled with F8, and individual output windows can be toggled with Shift-F8. Indent Unindent Select a block of text over a line and use the Tab key to indent (by either tab characters or spaces depending on your settings). Use Shift-Tab to unindent. More Shortcuts Here are some default shortcuts sorted on the left by shortcut and the right by command name. Shortcut Command F2 Next Bookmark F3 Find Next F3 Find Next F8 Toggle Output Window Alt+F6 Toggle Project Window Alt+F7 Toggle Text Clips Window Alt+F8 Toggle Find Results Window Alt+F9 Toggle CTags Window Alt+F10 Toggle Scripts Window Alt+Enter Show Document Properties Alt+G Jump To (tags) Ctrl+F2 Set Bookmark Ctrl+F4 Close Window Ctrl+F6 Next Window Ctrl+Space Autocomplete Ctrl+Tab Next Window Ctrl+Insert Copy Ctrl+Num * Quick Find Ctrl+/ Quick Find Ctrl+A Select All Ctrl+C Copy Ctrl+D Duplicate Line Ctrl+F Find Dialog Ctrl+G Goto Ctrl+H Replace Dialog Ctrl+L Cut Line Ctrl+N New File Ctrl+O Open File Ctrl+P Print Ctrl+R Replace Dialog Ctrl+S Save Ctrl+T Transpose Lines Ctrl+U Lowercase Ctrl+V Paste Ctrl+W Close Window Ctrl+X Cut Ctrl+Y Redo Ctrl+Z Undo Shift+F3 Find Previous Shift+F8 Toggle Individual Output Window Shift+Delete Cut Shift+Insert Insert Ctrl+Alt+C Copy as RTF Ctrl+Shift+F6 Previous Window Ctrl+Shift+Tab Previous Window Ctrl+Shift+C Clipboard Swap Ctrl+Shift+F Find in Files Dialog Ctrl+Shift+H Switch to (or Open) Alternate file Ctrl+Shift+L Delete Line Ctrl+Shift+S Save All Ctrl+Shift+T Copy Line Ctrl+Shift+U Uppercase Shortcut Command Ctrl+Space Autocomplete Ctrl+Shift+C Clipboard Swap Ctrl+F4 Close Window Ctrl+W Close Window Ctrl+Insert Copy Ctrl+C Copy Ctrl+Alt+C Copy as RTF Ctrl+Shift+T Copy Line Shift+Delete Cut Ctrl+X Cut Ctrl+L Cut Line Ctrl+Shift+L Delete Line Ctrl+D Duplicate Line Ctrl+F Find Dialog Ctrl+Shift+F Find in Files Dialog F3 Find Next F3 Find Next Shift+F3 Find Previous Ctrl+G Goto Shift+Insert Insert Alt+G Jump To (tags) Ctrl+U Lowercase Ctrl+N New File F2 Next Bookmark Ctrl+F6 Next Window Ctrl+Tab Next Window Ctrl+O Open File Ctrl+V Paste Ctrl+Shift+F6 Previous Window Ctrl+Shift+Tab Previous Window Ctrl+P Print Ctrl+Num * Quick Find Ctrl+/ Quick Find Ctrl+Y Redo Ctrl+H Replace Dialog Ctrl+R Replace Dialog Ctrl+S Save Ctrl+Shift+S Save All Ctrl+A Select All Ctrl+F2 Set Bookmark Alt+Enter Show Document Properties Ctrl+Shift+H Switch to (or Open) Alternate file Alt+F9 Toggle CTags Window Alt+F8 Toggle Find Results Window Shift+F8 Toggle Individual Output Window F8 Toggle Output Window Alt+F6 Toggle Project Window Alt+F10 Toggle Scripts Window Alt+F7 Toggle Text Clips Window Ctrl+T Transpose Lines Ctrl+Z Undo Ctrl+Shift+U Uppercase Additionally once can select blocks of text (rectangular selections) using Alt+Shift and then moving the cursor either with with the mouse or by keyboard navigation. ASCII Control Characters Most ASCII control characters can be inserted with Ctrl+Shift plus the corresponding letter. Examples: Control character Caret notation Key Sequence NUL @ Ctrl-Shift-2 EOT D Ctrl-Shift-D BEL G Ctrl-Shift-G TAB I Ctrl-Shift-I CR M Ctrl-Shift-M Wikipedia has a list of ASCII control characters and the corresponding caret notations. Selection Linear select: Shift+Cursor Movement such as shift+page down, or shift+ctrl+right arrow (select till next word boundary). Box Select: Alt+selection. Again Alt+dragging mouse or using alt+shift+arrow keys or other navigation keys (home, page up, page down etc.) will select a block. Multi-Select: ctrl + selection. Multi-select uses the multiple-edit feature of placing the cursor in multiple locations. For this reason it is best to use the mouse for selection. Simply make a selection. Then press ctrl and use the mouse to choose a new cursor location by pressing the left mouse button. Drag the cursor with the mouse to select the new text. Note that with multi-select paste will only work in the last selection made but will clear all other selections. The same is true with placing the cursor in multiple places — paste will only occur at the last one (but typing will occur at all cursor locations). ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ