Сайт о горячих клавишах.

Горячие клавиши в WordPress

Горячие клавиши в редакторе текста(Edit)


Beginning with WordPress Version 2.7, the ability to use keyboard shortcuts to browse and moderate comments was introduced. These keyboard shortcuts are designed to save time by allowing you to rapidly navigate and perform actions on comments. If your blog gets a large number of comments, you will find these shortcuts especially useful.


    1 Activating Keyboard Shortcuts
    2 The Meaning of Selected
    3 Using Keyboard Shortcuts to Navigate
    4 Using Keyboard Shortcuts to Perform Actions
    5 Bulk Actions
    6 Editor Shortcuts
        6.1 Ctrl + key
        6.2 Alt + Shift + key
        6.3 Editor width in Distraction Free Writing mode

Activating Keyboard Shortcuts(Edit)

Keyboard shortcuts are enabled on a per-user setting, and can be turned on by visiting the Profile panel in Administration > Users > Your Profile. Check the Keyboard Shortcuts checkbox to enable keyboard shortcuts for comment moderation.

Please note, the keyboard shortcuts are designed to use both hands, simultaneously, on a QWERTY style keyboard layout.

The Meaning of Selected

The keyboard shortcuts are used for navigation and for actions. For any action to affect a comment, that comment must be first selected. The comment that is considered selected is indicated with a light-blue background. By default, no comment is selected, so, you will need to press either the letter j key, or letter k key, to start navigating.

Using Keyboard Shortcuts to Navigate

Navigating comments is accomplished with the j and k keys. When you first visit the Comments page, no comments is selected, so, first press the letter j, or the letter k, to select the first comment. After that, just press the letter j to move the select to the next comment.

    Pressing j moves the current selection (light-blue background) down.
    Pressing k moves the current selection (light-blue background) up.

Note that if you come to the bottom of a page of comments and press j again, you will be taken to the next page and the first comment of that next page will be selected. Likewise, pressing k at the top of a comment page will zoom you to the previous page, selecting the comment at the bottom of that previous page. This makes it very easy to navigate through a long list of comments to perform the necessary actions.

Using Keyboard Shortcuts to Perform Actions

For one of these actions to affect a comment, make sure the comment is first selected (see above).

    Pressing a approves the currently selected comment.
    Pressing s marks the current comment as spam.
    Pressing d moves the comment to the trash (WordPress 2.9) or deletes the current comment.
    Pressing z restores the current comment from the trash or activates the Undo when that row is selected.
    Pressing u unapproves the currently selected comment, placing it back into moderation.
    Pressing r initiates an inline reply to the current comment (you can press Esc to cancel the reply).
    Pressing q activates "Quick Edit" which allows for rapid inline editing of the current comment.
    Pressing e navigates to the edit screen for the current comment.

Bulk Actions(Edit)

You can also perform an action on multiple comments at once. First, you'll need to select the comments for the bulk action, using the x key to check the checkbox for the currently selected comment. Shift-x can be used to toggle the checkboxes, inverting their state. Once you have some comments checked:

    Pressing Shift-a approves the checked comments.
    Pressing Shift-s marks the checked comments as spam.
    Pressing Shift-d deletes the checked comments.
    Pressing Shift-u unapproves the checked comments.
    Pressing Shift-t moves the checked comments to the Trash.
    Pressing Shift-z restores the checked comments from the Trash.

Editor Shortcuts(Edit)

The built in WordPress editor has many useful shortcut keys. Rather than reaching for your mouse to click on the toolbar, use these access keys. Windows and Linux use Ctrl + letter. Macintosh uses Command + letter.

Ctrl + key
Letter 	Action
c 	Copy
v 	Paste
a 	Select all
x 	Cut
z 	Undo
y 	Redo
b 	Bold
i 	Italic
u 	Underline
k 	Insert/edit link
Alt + Shift + key

The following shortcuts use different access keys: "Alt + Shift + letter" on Windows and Linux (and on Macs if you're running any WordPress version below 4.2), and "Ctrl + Opt (Alt) + letter" on Macs (when running WordPress 4.2 and above).

Letter 	Action
n 	Check Spelling
l 	Align Left
j 	Justify Text
c 	Align Center
d 	Strikethrough
r 	Align Right
u 	• List
a 	Insert link
o 	1. List
s 	Remove link
q 	Quote
m 	Insert Image
w 	Distraction Free Writing mode
t 	Insert More Tag
p 	Insert Page Break tag
h 	Help
x 	Add/remove code tag
1 	Heading 1
2 	Heading 2
3 	Heading 3
4 	Heading 4
5 	Heading 5
6 	Heading 6
9 	Address
Editor width in Distraction Free Writing mode
Ctrl + 	Wider
Ctrl - 	Narrower
Ctrl 0 	Default width

    Getting Started
    UI Link

