Дата публикации: 02.04.2023

Pros and cons of dating a stoner


Women are conditioned to pay more attention to detail than men—no more loose, shoddy joints for u, buddy! A study published in The American Journal Of Medicine in concluded, against all munchie odds, that not only are bud-smokers actually thinner than their non-bud-smoking counterparts—their bodies also produce healthier responses to sugar. Her weederosity, no doubt, will go beyond passing the blunt.

Weed brings people together, man. Weed releases dopamine in the brain, effectively tearing down your creative insecurities and enhancing your proclivity to perceive things in different, cool ways.

If you choose to get stoned before a date, beware Oops Stoner dating gone wrong So, for our first date, I met him at a cannabis lounge. 7 Cannabis Strains to Help Reduce Your Muscle Pain · July 7,

Smoking weed with a partner can be the best shared ritual. Lighting up and staying in to watch movies in bed is always a cozy and nice option for a Friday night; laughing about dumb stuff for far too long is a bonding exercise that’s probably scientifically on par with sex . Not to mention that actual sex while stoned is never disappointing. But for couples who are mismatched in their habits, weed is a lot less chill—and a lot more complicated to navigate.

Sober lovers tend feel like their partner cares for their bong more than them. People who smoke, on the other hand, end up feeling judged by a partner who abstains. And giving up weed for a partner is never an easy decision. Of course, the plant’s impact on love is as varied as its strains. We asked some stoners to detail how weed has factored into their relationships—and break-ups.

A relationship I was in for three years just ended, and I low-key think weed was the reason why. I smoke weed every day, at least 10 times a day. For me, I’m more myself when I’m high—more honest and real with my partner—so smoking weed is my greatest joy.